Sunday, 20 January 2013

Chocolate Victoria Sponge

Following several email requests for a basic chocolate cake, I have modified my Victoria Sponge recipe to create a light chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream.

To watch a video of this cake being made please click on the image below:

Victoria Sponge Ingredients 
285g butter or margarine (at room temperature)
285g caster sugar
240g self-raising flour
45g cocoa
2 teaspoons (12.5ml) baking powder
5 Eggs

Buttercream Ingredients 
150g softened butter
300g icing sugar
40g cocoa
3 tablespoons (45ml) warm water

Equipment required 
2 greased 8-inch (20cm) sandwich tins
Large mixing bowl
Electric whisk

This cake uses the all in-in-one method so first sieve the flour, cocoa and baking powder into a large bowl and then add all the other ingredients into the bowl.  Using an electric whisk beat the ingredients together, starting slowly then on medium speed until you get a smooth, creamy consistency.  Ensure it is all mixed together.

Divide the mixture between the two sandwich tins and bake at 180 degrees centigrade (350 degrees fahrenheit) for 30-40 minutes. The cake should be springy to the touch.  When cooked leave to cool for a few minutes and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Once the cakes are cool make the buttercream - first soften the butter by beating slowly and then gradually add the sieved icing sugar and cocoa and the water.  Slowly beat together until smooth.  If the buttercream is still thick then add a little more water.

Spread the buttercream on one half of the sponge and sandwich together. Sieve icing sugar and cocoa on top


Louise said...

I made this last week and it was delicious! Thank so much for the inspiration!

Louise said...

Keep trying to post comments, but they never seem to work. Made this the weekend you posted it, and loved it. Thanks so much for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

wow, this was really quick and delicious! thank you for the recipe.

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